Dare to Give . . . to Missions!

How we spend our money is a direct reflection of where our heart is focused. Daring Daughters, let’s DARE TO GIVE!

How we view money and possessions is connected with how we view God’s priority in our life. As women who love God, we should have the perspective that everything belongs to God: all of our time, all of our talents, all of our life decisions, and yes . . .

. . . even all of our money.

If you’re a mother or a mentor, it is important to teach our kids about God’s principle of tithing (giving 10 percent of our income to Him); yet more importantly, we need to instill into the heart of the next generation a conviction that 100 percent of everything in our lives belongs to God.

And having a giving heart is a principle much easier caught —by our example— than taught by our words.

Even if you (or your family, or your kids) never move to live in a foreign country, you’re still called, as a Christian, to participate in helping to expand God’s kingdom—both locally and throughout the world.

As Hudson Taylor, a famous missionary to China said, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.”

There are many ways you could raise extra money to support international mission projects. Here is a list of activities commonly used by children’s churches, youth groups, and short-term mission teams.

The time will come, however, as your mission-commitment grows, when “occasional” fundraising efforts won’t be enough.

 A Daring Daughter simply needs to earn and save money, step out in faith and trust, and manage (or “steward”) those resources according to what’s most important, for God’s kingdom-purposes, and for eternity.

10 Easy Ideas to Raise Money for Missions

  • Decorate a special container, perhaps with a photo, and begin saving coins for a specific mission project.
  • Make a “thermometer” to chart a specific family mission goal, and put it on your refrigerator.
  • Have a yard sale with all proceeds going for a specific mission project.
  • Offer to do work for relatives or friends (such as housecleaning, laundry, child care, or yard work) in exchange for people donating toward a special mission project.
  • Collect newspapers for recycling.
  • Recycle aluminum (and go around neighborhoods to get even more).
  • Organize a car wash; rather than charging a set amount, receive donations.
  • Make and sell something, like a craft project or a baked item.
  • Receive mission donations for after-church lattes and espressos.
  • Have a “multiply your talents” project. Moms, you can give your daughter a certain amount of money with the mission-minded purpose of using this money, along with his or her talents, abilities, and creativity, for a specified length of time (perhaps two weeks, or one month) to raise money for a specific mission project. Your daughter could use the money to buy gas for a lawn mower, to buy lemonade to sell on the corner, or to buy ingredients for a neighborhood bake sale. At the end of the designated time have each her return the original money, along with the surplus she raised, and give it toward the mission project.

Remember, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

A great way to “earn money” for missions is simply to SAVE MONEY for MISSIONS. Instead of window-shopping through the malls, or overspending on too many gifts, stay away from the stores and be on-the-lookout for international mission needs and local benevolence projects.

Daring Daughter Global MISSION PROJECTS < < <