From a young girl:
I’ve always wanted to be a missionary. It all started when my Mom began reading YWAM missionary biographies to me when I was in 3rd grade. In 4th grade my Mom spent our whole year of home school going through Ann Dunagan’s curriculum, “Teaching With God’s Heart for the World”. We were exposed to lots of geography, cultures and missionaries. It was a fantastic year of discovery for us!
We also started to use “Operation World” to pray more specifically for the needs of nations. We would all get down on the floor and pray for the nation of that day. This daily dose of remembering the needs of the world made a huge impression on me! I started reading biographies in my free time and was greatly inspired by them.
All of them have left an impression on me, but if I had to list just my favorite, favorite ones, here is my list:
1. Kisses from Katie by Davis
2. Evidence Not Seen by Deibler Rose
3. I’d Do It Again by Benedict
4. Miracle of Miracles by Nevisa (Islamic convert)
5. Living Sacrifice by Dr. Rosevear
6. Mission Possible by Laszko (not for children)
7. These My People by Dickson
8. YWAM Biographies in order of my favorite, Lillian Trasher, Sundar Singh, Mary Slessor, Rachel Saint, Jonathan Goforth, Ida Scudder
Even if you never step foot on foreign soil, these stories of God’s faithfulness will inspire you to love and good deeds wherever you are.
Thank you Ann! You have made a difference in our family!