Our New PODCAST is officially launched– Emphasizing 7 keys for life (our 7 “P’s in a POD”): Prayer, Passion, Perspective, Parenting, Priorities, Progress and Purpose.
Mission-Minded Families with Ann Dunagan is especially for busy-at-home moms. Help us launch: SUBSCRIBE on iTunes, rate, review and SHARE with your friends!
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Mission-Minded Families with Ann Dunagan
Learn more about our Bible-Memory and Picture pages which go with the podcast < < <
Hi Ann!
My bio is rough!
Never have done one before so esp. doing it in the third person was difficult:)
Would love some pointers if you have any or time to look it over:)
Love what you are doing and would love to be a small part what the Lord has birthed in you for women,marriages, families, children,orphans, teens, missions,etc!!!
Blessing upon blessing be upon you and all those He has you touch, dear friend!
Love you!
Look at these awesome questions coming in from moms all across the country, from Washington, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina . . .
1. — “A big question for me is, ‘How do you have a focus on missions when you are in the trenches with a lot of littles?’”
2. — “How do you make sure your marriage stays a priority during the busy parenting years?
3. — “How do you find time to have your quiet time with the Lord when you have a house full of children?”
4. — “What are a few good books to read about being mission-missions?
5. — “How do you adopt, reach orphans, or see the world when you are on a very tight budget?.I personally am very interested in this…it seems that so many opportunities are only for those with $$$:)..I’m trusting for God’s provisions but know He may use others to help us think outside the box.”
6. — “How do you find out about missions the whole family can help?”
7. — “How can I involve my daughter in missions?”
8. — “What are some practical ways we can encourage our teenage daughters that they are a treasure, not a target?”
9. — “How can we teach our kids to have their own quiet time or Bible time?
10. — “How can I communicate with my ‘tweens and early teens? How can I talk to them about what is happening in our country on their level? – How can I teach my ‘tweens and early teens to apply Biblical principles to what we see happening in our nation?” Those are things I’ve been praying about myself.
11. — “How can we raise funds for a family mission trip (while parenting ‘tweens!!)? I’m there right now!
12. — “How can I encourage a heart for missions before my kids are old enough to enter the mission field?”
13. — “What kind of small things or prayers can I do daily with my young kids to encourage a heart for missions?”
14. — “How can I come against feelings of a failure as a mom?”
15. – “How do we train our kids to stand on the Truth, especially facing the culture war we are in?”
16. — “How can I overcome FEAR in parenting?”
17. — “When can I get my bible reading in when handling life with young kids?”
18. – “How can my family also be Missional, if we can’t go anywhere?”
19. – “What are a few quick travel tips and tricks that would be helpful on the mission field?”
20. – “What are some good ways to approach strangers about Jesus?”
21. — “What can a mom of several very young children do – possibly from her home — to be involved with mission work?”
22. – “What can you say to someone who has fear about being called to missions (of course that might not be a short answer!).
23.– “How about tips on how to incorporate mindfulness of the world at large into daily life with small children?”
Here is the schedule so far — We’re planning to start the first week of September (launching on Monday, August 31st).
1. Psalm 1, PRAYER – personal prayer life
2. Psalm 23, PASSION – for God’s Word
3. Psalm 91 (1-8), PARENTING – by faith, not fear
4. Psalm 91 (9-16), PARENTING – by faith, not fear
5. Proverbs 31 (1-7), PERSPECTIVE – SUB-mission to God
6. Proverbs 31 (8-15), PRIORITIES – Fine-tuning Balance
7. Proverbs 31 (16-23), PRIORITIES – Do more by doing less.
8. Proverbs 31 (24-31), PROGRESS – ABC’s of God’s Grace