Are you trapped in a cycle of just being “BUSY-BUSY”?
By ABIDING in Christ, God can set you free . . . into His fruitfulness.
FREE pdf download:
A. Abide in Christ
ABIDE in Christ, all throughout the day, especially through being in God’s Word.
B. Brain-dump
Get a BINDER and use it for BRAIN-dumping. Keep track of your BIBLE reading. Dump out your to-do’s and your dreams . . . and surrender everything to the Lord, spirit, soul, body. Get your BODY moving and keep your BRAIN at peace..
C. Clear the clutter
Emotionally, get rid of the clutter in your life. Clear out extra junk, such as fear, worry, concerns, and emotional baggage. Cast your cares on the Lord. Light a CANDLE and remind yourself to live in God’s peace and to be a light for Jesus in the world.
D. Dare to Die
The Bible tells us that we are to be “crucified with Christ.” Jesus paid for it all on the Cross of Calvary and He is calling us to pick up our cross and to follow Him. We are to surrender everything to Him — all of our dreams and desires. Live a radical surrendered life.
Let’s enjoy life, right now. The Bible tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord. Enjoy God’s presence.
God’s Name is “I AM that I AM.” He is the EVER-present One. He is EVERLASTING and ETERNAL. He is with us. We should be full of LIFE and JOY. Enjoy the beauty of His world. Consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. Enjoy the stars and the sun. Enjoy your friends. Enjoy your relationships, with God and with others.
Worship the Lord . . . and enjoy all that He has for your life, right now.
Don’t just live with a BUSY-BUSY mentality. Instead, ABIDE with God.
Thanks for stopping by, Dolly. I look forward to reading your heart as well. Blessings to you!!!
Hi Ann,
Hopping over from Ann’s blog…looks like we were on a similar path with our posts; Grateful He gives us the gift of abiding in Him…blessings