Join Daring Daughters for a special online event
LIVE: Q & A Group Discussion
LENGTH: 46 minutes
Missions for Mommies with Ann Dunagan
Download the mp3 audio:
Missions for Mommies
Download here
Invite moms to join us for an encouraging discussion. We’re going to be recording this LIVE to have available for many moms who are asking these same questions:
How can we “do missions” with a baby or little ones?
How can young moms be a part of God’s Great Commission, even now?
How can we balance our call to missions with our call to motherhood?
How can we find contentment, when we’re at home . . . and longing to go?
Do you know any young Daring Daughter moms, with a heart for world missions and a love for motherhood? Share this link and give her some encouragement!