Psalm 100: Bible Memory

Help children to memorize Psalm 100, using Bible memory pictures and a song.


Verse 1:

“Make a joyful shout unto the Lord all you lands . . .”

(NOTE: The happy megaphone reminds us of a JOYFUL SHOUT. The LORD is shown with a CROSS and the wavy ground represents “all you lands…”

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Verse 2a

Serve the Lord with gladness.

(NOTE: Part of this picture is cut off. On the left you see two hands with palms up and outstretched in service, representing “serve” — LORD is shown with a CROSS — and the happy faces represent GLADNESS). 

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Enter His presence with singing . . . 

(NOTE: The cloud with light shining out of it represents the “presence of the Lord” and we also added physical presents to help us remember this word. The music notes and the little faces with open mouths represent “singing.”)

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Verse 3a:

For the Lord He is GOD, it is He that has made us . . . 

(NOTE: LORD is show with a CROSS. And here we simply wrote the word GOD, since it’s important to remember that in verse 3, the Psalm says, “For the LORD He is GOD” and later in verse 5, it says, “For the LORD He is GOOD…”)

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. . . not we ourselves.

(Here, we’re simply showing the arrow pointing from GOD to the little guy “it is He that has made us . . . ” and and then X through the other guy, “. . . not we ourselves.”)

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We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

(As you can see, your pictures do not need to be fancy!!!)

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Verse 4a:

Enter His gates with thanksgiving  . . . 

(NOTE:  This is a gate and a picture of what we came up with for “Thanksgiving.” If I redid this, I would make a more simple Thanksgiving picture, maybe with an icon turkey.)

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Verse 4b:

And into His courts with praise.

(NOTE: when our family was thinking of a simple way to draw “courts” we came up with a basketball court)

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Verse 4c:

Be thankful unto Him and bless His name. . . 

(NOTE: the flags say “Thankful” and “Name”)

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Verse 5a

For the LORD He is good . . . 

(Our family picture for LORD is a cross. Sometimes, we simply write a word, like GOOD.)

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Verse 5b:

His mercy is everlasting . . . 

(Note: our family memory picture key for MER-CY is a “mermaid” and a “sea”)

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Verse 6:

His truth endures to all generations. 

Note: our family memory verse picture key for TRUTH is a belt (from the armor of God)

The stick figures represent grandparents, parents, kids and a baby (for all generations)

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Goals and God’s Purposes — (LIVE video training on Facebook)

goal-chalkboardJoin Ann’s mini-training focused on GOALS & GOD’S PURPOSES. It’s on our Daring Daughters Facebook page with two practical tips to help you to FOCUS your goals. Check it out and be encouraged!

FREE Worksheet:
“GOALS and GOD’S PURPOSES” – click here (2-page PDF)

To stay in-the-loop for FREE resources and opportunities from Daring Daughters and Mission-Minded Families, sign-up for Ann’s email (usually delivered weekly).


When I grow up . . .

I am a Daring Daughter!

Maybe I’ll grow up to be a missionary, or a doctor or a midwife or a nurse. Maybe I’ll be a teacher, or a newspaper reporter or a speaker and an author. Or maybe I’ll be something crazy . . . like a state governor, or an airplane pilot or an artist . . . or an amazing MOM!!!

I’m a girl who loves God and as long as I grow up to fulfill God’s purpose for my life, that’s all that matters!


A Daring Daughter . . . 


. . . dreams of fulfilling God’s destiny.


. . . prays for that next-door neighbor.


. . . is not a picky eater!


. . . takes home a photo magnet from the visiting missionary family and puts it on the kitchen refrigerator.


. . . spends a summer night sleeping outside on the trampoline, gazes up at a sky filled with twinkling stars, and realizes God’s plan is infinitely bigger than her own backyard.


. . . is healthy, active, and adventurous.


. . . imagines rollerblading on the Great Wall of China!


. . . recognizes the names of Gladys Aylward, Amy Carmichael, Elisabeth Elliot, and Lottie Moon.


. . . knows how to use chopsticks.


. . . has a reputation for thoroughly enjoying the Bible sword drills and memory verse contests at church.




. . . puts extra money in the monthly missions offering and feels extra good inside.


. . . thinks it could be fun to sleep in a mud hut in Africa!


. . . reads all the way through the Bible by the age of ten (or eleven or twelve)–and is excited to start again!


. . . stares at the photos in the new geography textbook or magazine and imagines climbing to the top of that Egyptian pyramid, snorkeling in those tropical-blue waters, and giving a new outfit to that poor boy with the ripped-up shirt.


. . . befriends the new kid at school.


. . . thinks beyond the “box” of what’s merely expected and hopes to do something big, or something little, for God.


. . . wants to obey (even when no one is looking).


. . . loves Jesus!


Moms, if you have a Daring Daughter, remember that “world missions” is not just an extracurricular subject. Training your girl to love God and to love others (all across the globe) should be at  the core of her curriculum. Let’s raise the next generation of our girls to have fervent passion for Jesus and God’s Great Commission.

As Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China said, “The Great Commission is not just an option to consider; it is a command to obey.”


And as I wrote in The Mission-Minded Family, “Missions is not just for missionaries; God’s call is for all.”


When we grow up (and even for those of us who are older — as tweens and teens, women, moms, or even grandmas — as we all look ahead to our future days) let’s all dare to dream, dare to cry, and dare to obey. We’re Daring Daughters.


Reach for God-Sized Dreams . . . with Daring Daughters!

Come join the discussion (with a comment below).

What’s ONE CRAZY DREAM you have . . . of something you’d like to do?


My Favorite Mission Biographies

From a young girl:

I’ve always wanted to be a missionary. It all started when my Mom began reading YWAM missionary biographies to me when I was in 3rd grade. In 4th grade my Mom spent our whole year of home school going through Ann Dunagan’s curriculum, “Teaching With God’s Heart for the World”. We were exposed to lots of geography, cultures and missionaries. It was a fantastic year of discovery for us!

We also started to use “Operation World” to pray more specifically for the needs of nations. We would all get down on the floor and pray for the nation of that day. This daily dose of remembering the needs of the world made a huge impression on me! I started reading biographies in my free time and was greatly inspired by them.

All of them have left an impression on me, but if I had to list just my favorite, favorite ones, here is my list:

1. Kisses from Katie by Davis

2. Evidence Not Seen by Deibler Rose

3. I’d Do It Again by Benedict

4. Miracle of Miracles by Nevisa (Islamic convert)

5. Living Sacrifice by Dr. Rosevear

6. Mission Possible by Laszko (not for children)

7. These My People by Dickson

8. YWAM Biographies in order of my favorite, Lillian Trasher, Sundar Singh, Mary Slessor, Rachel Saint, Jonathan Goforth, Ida Scudder

Even if you never step foot on foreign soil, these stories of God’s faithfulness will inspire you to love and good deeds wherever you are.

Meet Hannah: Music for Missions!

hannah-2Here at Daring Daughters, we’re so proud of Hannah Schweighardt (14-year-old daughter of our DD Adoption Mentor, Sonya Schweighardt). This summer, Lord willing, Hannah is going on her first mission trip, to Uganda. Hannah plays guitar and writes music and has just produced her first CD as a tool to help support missions and orphans.
Way to go, Hannah! What an inspiration!

NOTE: At the end of this post is a link to ORDER Hannah’s new CD. On that info-page, you can listen to an excerpt from each of her songs. There’s also a link to GIVE toward Hannah’s trip, along with a link to her NEW BLOG. We encourage you to check these out and to send her a word of encouragement. Let’s keep this Daring Daughter in our prayers!

LIVE Interview with Hannah Schweighardt — Thursday Morning, January 23rd
Listen LIVE to Hannah’s Daring Daughter interview with Ann Dunagan at the beginning of our Day #12 “Dare to Rejoice!” Bible Study, just finishing up Psalm 119 (in vs. 161-176). Bible Study and Hannah’s Interview will be at 6:30-7:00 AM PST (9:30-10:00 AM EST).
To join tomorrow’s call, Click here


Written by Hannah Schweighardt

Hi. I’m Hannah, 14 almost 15. I love to sing and I’m passionate about Jesus and His love.

Growing up in a family of 15 siblings, with 8 of them being from Africa, I’ve always had a love for that part of the world.


This past year has been hard for me. I’ve been trying to discover who I am and my purpose. I guess all teenagers go through that at one point in their lives. Looking for God, searching for answers and trying to find balance in life. On my search for answers and “happiness”, I’ve discovered that you can’t find either in anything this world has to offer. True Joy is only found when you surrender your life to Christ and His will.

Going to Uganda wasn’t really planned…it just happened.
I believe God is calling me there.


People always ask where the inspiration for my songs come from.
It’s a pretty simple answer…God.

He shows me things in my own life through others and through scripture that inspire my song writing. God is so good and He continues to reveal new things to me as I walk through life. One of the most important things He’s been teaching me is love. God’s love is perfect and unchanging. He never gives up on us.

In 1 John 3:16, He gives us the very definition of love…His Son.

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.
And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
–I John 3:16

As I’ve been reading through 1 John, there is a part about love and how we should love with action, not just words. That’s what I’m trying to do through my music and this mission’s trip. Its a trip about love, but no earthly love that I could offer…but God’s perfect unfailing and unchanging love.

TO ORDER Hannah’s CD — Click here
FOLLOW Hannah’s new blog: — Click here
“LIKE” Hannah’s Musician Page on Facebook — Click here
Download Hanna’s Mission Newsletter — Click here

hannah-42014-disney-fyer-2P.S. This February, at our first-ever Daring Daughters conference @ Disneyworld, Hannah will be leading us in worship and presenting a special song she wrote about freedom from fear!

And her mom, Sonya Schweighardt (homeschooling mother of 15 children, including a dozen adopted children, and family adoption mentor), is one of our Keynote Speakers!

We still have a few open spots for this exciting conference! It’s for women and teen girls, especially mothers and daughters.


Reach for God-Sized Dreams . . . with Daring Daughters!
(Click the boxes for more information . . .)


Join the conversation…
Let’s leave an encouraging word for Hannah!!! (with a comment below)

Kathy from El Salvador talks about ‘Kisses from Katie’ (mp3)

Missionary Kathy Knepper with her husband Pastor David and their children: Eddie, Katie, Trinity, and Rachel

Today, on “Dare to Rejoice . . . in Missions!” we’re meeting missionary Kathy Knepper and her family, from El Salvador, and talking together about Kisses from Katie, by Katie Davis.

Dare to Rejoice . . . in Missions! #9
With Ann Dunagan and missionary guest, Kathy Knepper
(24 minutes) DOWNLOAD today’s mp3

For more audios in this “Dare to Rejoice…in Missions!” series
More on Daring Daughters about Kisses from Katie

Thoughts about ‘Kisses from Katie’
from Missionary Kathy Knepper:

“This whole book is written in such a transparent and heartfelt way that it’s hard to pick a favorite part.

The first time I read it, I know that the part that spoke to me the most was the chapter, “Counting the Cost” because it touched on a situation that I was going through at the moment.

But I can say that what I love about this book is the spirit of courage that poured forth from such a young woman, not because she was brave, or had it all together, or was financially stable and had a 5-year-plan, but simply because she chose to be obedient to her God and Savior, KNOWING that He is able to complete that which He sent her to do.

The moments of self-giving, sacrifice, and pain are poignantly portrayed here without reservations, yet even as he speaks of those times of pain, sorrow, frustration, and suffering, there written down is also her willingness to bear these with joy because it’s His hand that sustains her. Awesome encouragement. Love it.” — Kathy

Ministering to a child suffering from malnutrition, he had not been held in days

Meet Kathy Knepper and her family in El Salvador

We are a family of missionaries who were called by God to serve Him in the foreign mission field and sent out by our church Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. We have 4 wonderful kids ages: 15, 13, 11 and 10, and we’ve been working among the people of El Salvador for nearly 6 years now.

The heart of our ministry is the power of the Word of God to save lives, we study the Bible verse by verse and look at the full counsel of God. We also have a helps ministry that ministers to the homeless, orphaned and sick by praying with, ministering to and providing practical needs for those who are in need in the name of Jesus. Among other things. The Lord has blessed us abundantly and poured out His grace upon us and allowed us to serve Him, for that we are truly grateful.

Our church in El Salvador, full of precious lambs

Helping a wonderful organization “Sus Hijos” to build homes for needy homeless families

Everything is ready to feel the homeless a warm meal and cup of hot coffee

The Lords provision for the hospital and homeless is placed in a large bucket, and at times our ‘cupboard runneth over!’

The recipients of our free English classes during our award ceremony

Ministering to special needs orphans

Reach for God-Sized Dreams . . . with Daring Daughters!

Come join the discussion (with a comment below).

Add a thought about Kisses from Katie . . . or a word of prayer or encouragement for Missionary Kathy and her family: