Here at Daring Daughters, we’re so proud of Hannah Schweighardt (14-year-old daughter of our DD Adoption Mentor, Sonya Schweighardt). This summer, Lord willing, Hannah is going on her first mission trip, to Uganda. Hannah plays guitar and writes music and has just produced her first CD as a tool to help support missions and orphans.
Way to go, Hannah! What an inspiration!
NOTE: At the end of this post is a link to ORDER Hannah’s new CD. On that info-page, you can listen to an excerpt from each of her songs. There’s also a link to GIVE toward Hannah’s trip, along with a link to her NEW BLOG. We encourage you to check these out and to send her a word of encouragement. Let’s keep this Daring Daughter in our prayers!
LIVE Interview with Hannah Schweighardt — Thursday Morning, January 23rd
Listen LIVE to Hannah’s Daring Daughter interview with Ann Dunagan at the beginning of our Day #12 “Dare to Rejoice!” Bible Study, just finishing up Psalm 119 (in vs. 161-176). Bible Study and Hannah’s Interview will be at 6:30-7:00 AM PST (9:30-10:00 AM EST).
To join tomorrow’s call, Click here

Written by Hannah Schweighardt
Hi. I’m Hannah, 14 almost 15. I love to sing and I’m passionate about Jesus and His love.
Growing up in a family of 15 siblings, with 8 of them being from Africa, I’ve always had a love for that part of the world.

This past year has been hard for me. I’ve been trying to discover who I am and my purpose. I guess all teenagers go through that at one point in their lives. Looking for God, searching for answers and trying to find balance in life. On my search for answers and “happiness”, I’ve discovered that you can’t find either in anything this world has to offer. True Joy is only found when you surrender your life to Christ and His will.
Going to Uganda wasn’t really planned…it just happened.
I believe God is calling me there.

People always ask where the inspiration for my songs come from.
It’s a pretty simple answer…God.
He shows me things in my own life through others and through scripture that inspire my song writing. God is so good and He continues to reveal new things to me as I walk through life. One of the most important things He’s been teaching me is love. God’s love is perfect and unchanging. He never gives up on us.
In 1 John 3:16, He gives us the very definition of love…His Son.
By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us.
And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
–I John 3:16
As I’ve been reading through 1 John, there is a part about love and how we should love with action, not just words. That’s what I’m trying to do through my music and this mission’s trip. Its a trip about love, but no earthly love that I could offer…but God’s perfect unfailing and unchanging love.
TO ORDER Hannah’s CD — Click here
FOLLOW Hannah’s new blog: — Click here
“LIKE” Hannah’s Musician Page on Facebook — Click here
Download Hanna’s Mission Newsletter — Click here

P.S. This February, at our first-ever Daring Daughters conference @ Disneyworld, Hannah will be leading us in worship and presenting a special song she wrote about freedom from fear!
And her mom, Sonya Schweighardt (homeschooling mother of 15 children, including a dozen adopted children, and family adoption mentor), is one of our Keynote Speakers!
We still have a few open spots for this exciting conference! It’s for women and teen girls, especially mothers and daughters.

Reach for God-Sized Dreams . . . with Daring Daughters!
(Click the boxes for more information . . .)
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