In the words of our friend Carlyn, a Daring Daughter and mission-minded mom from Washington state:
A few months ago, my eleven-year-old daughter, Bella, asked me about the “Sex Trafficking” donation description in a World Vision catalog we had. I felt the Lord prompting me to go ahead and give a bit of information. It struck and stirred something within her and within a few hours she came to me saying she had been praying and felt the Lord was calling her to save money for this cause.

Carlyn’s daughters: 11-year-old Bella and 9-year-old Lilli, at a World Concern 5K-Run for Human Trafficking Awareness
She had asked Him, “How much, Lord?” (This is the kind of conversational, intimate relationship my daughter has had with the Lord for as long as I can remember.) Bella asked, “Fifty dollars?” “One hundred?” “One hundred and fifty?” The Lord confirmed the amount of “400 dollars” in her heart and she promptly came to tell me. Though she knew nothing is impossible with God, this amount seemed gigantic considering the allowance she receives of a mere few dollars here and there.

To listen to Carlyn share how God has stirred her family with compassion for Human Trafficking Awareness (from the intro to today’s “Dare to Rejoice!” Bible study),
Not long after our conversation, the Lord began stirring my heart to have a yard sale. My husband’s initial response was, “We don’t really have enough stuff to do a yard sale,” as I tend to make frequent donations to our local mission and purging is not a new idea in our house! Little did my husband know, the Lord had begun stirring something deeper. Not just a sale, but a “cleansing” of sorts. A “go through every nook and cranny of your house” sale – with a fresh eye. An eye for not only getting rid of what is not needed, but being free from the weight of things held on to with good intentions, with hopes of finding comfort or security in them, or simply things I’ve “loved” but I never use.
And, as God is faithful to do, He wove all the pieces together with a greater underlying purpose. He showed me that this ‘home and heart cleanse’ would be the answer to the $400.00 we desired to give to these girls so desperately needing hope, healing and restoration. At the same time, this yard sale would be used to bring a restoring freedom to me. In fact, the Lord began to stir and awaken a compassion and sense of purpose in me that I that never before knew existed: a compassion for those trapped in the darkness of human trafficking.
Two weeks ago the $400.00 goal turned to $800.00, and then this week, $1000.00, as the Lord continues to speak to our hearts to believe for more. My house has been purged and there are numerous items in boxes, filled and priced, awaiting their new homes. This has brought a deeper unity to our family, as we not only have gone through things together with this common purpose in mind, but also have prayed daily in bold and specific ways.After a series of late nights spent researching and praying in order to determine who we are to donate the proceeds to, the Lord led me to the “Rapha House” located in Cambodia. Their mission is “Love, Rescue, Heal.” As I looked into this organization I truly saw the hands and feet of Christ. His love is lavishly shown through all they do.
The Lord has spoken to my heart that this is so much more than a sale. It is a step, no . . . more like a giant faith faith-filled leap for our family. His hand has been evident through every aspect. We have found additional families who have offered to donate items. We’re selling silk scarves handcrafted by Rapha House girls who have been rescued from trafficking. We will be handing out information I put together on trafficking in hopes of raising awareness. Our kids will be helping to give out information as well as sell cookies and drinks to raise additional funds.
Preparing for Tomorrow’s “House-Purging” Yard Sale
With all proceeds going for Rapha House in Cambodia:
(By the way, note the JOY in these kids. Wow!!! What a testimony of God’s love!)
Carlyn says, “I am praising God for the work He is doing in my life and in the life of my family. I humbly praise Him for using us to be advocates for these girls who desperately need His healing, love, and restoration! And, how amazing is it that He allows the goodness of His perfect love to bring these very blessings into my own life as well. He has truly begun the process of teaching me that I too, am His Daring Daughter.”
Daring Daughters, let’s join Carlyn’s project in PRAYER!!!
Please pray for Carlyn and her family as they are working today on this mission project. Pray for GRACE and STRENGTH and FAVOR and PROVISION for God’s work.
What a blessing it’s been to watch the Lord work through you and your family, I’m exited to see where He is going to take next, Love and prayers Sherry