KIDS BOOK – Blogger Team – #WholeWorldNeedsJesus

The Whole World Needs Jesus is a delightful read-aloud book the whole family will enjoy. With its rhyming text and whimsical illustrations, this 8.5 x 11 hardcover children’s book focuses on the Gospel and God’s Great Commission. For homes, churches, schools and ministries, it’s an enjoyable tool to encourage kids to love God and to love others, with a life-long heart for unreached people and global missions.

Link to purchase the book is at



Title: The Whole World Needs Jesus

Author: Ann Dunagan
Illustrator: Caela Rose Dunagan
Publisher: Harvest Ministry
ISBN: 978-57818209-48
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 8.5 x 11

Available at:


We Appreciate our KIDS BOOK PROMO Team!!!

We’re so thankful for friends of the ministry who have stepped up to help “spread the news” about The Whole World Needs Jesus — through blogging and posting on social media, through sharing with friends and family, or with churches and ministries.

Please also be PRAYING for God’s purposes in this little book. Our hope and prayer is for this little book to become an effective TOOL to stir the hearts children (and the big-people reading the book) to have a life-long passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus all over the world, especially to people who have never ONCE even heard what God’s done!


New Life is a wonderful gift for each one

But some still haven’t ONCE

Even heard what God’s done!


Who will take the Good News

To all those far away?

Who will help?

Who will give?

Who will kneel down and pray?


We all have a part

So just lend a hand

Till the message of Jesus

Has reached every land.


If you’re interested in helping to promote this tool for missions, please use the hashtag, #wholeworldneedsjesus . Also, here is a PDF info file — specifically for our Blogger and Leader Kid’s Book Promo Team.

Sample Rectangle Images for Facebook or Blogs





Sweet Words from Happy Readers . . . 


The Whole World Needs Jesus is delightful and inspiring with its rhythmic cadence and beautifully creative illustrations — and the message to GO! I’m thankful to be in the grandparent-ing season and can’t wait to enjoy this book with our grandchildren. Thank you!

— Susie Phillips – Grandma from Oregon



The Whole World Needs Jesus is a beautiful book with the best message. Thank you for writing this book which has quickly become my girls’ favorite. And the pictures are so fun and funny. We love this book!

— Nicole Stranz – Mother of 3


As an Intercessor, The Whole World Needs Jesus moved my heart. Not just for my need to pray more into missions, but to teach our children and grandchildren to pray for missions and missionaries. Caela Rose did an outstanding job expressing God’s heart for His world through her illustrations. Beautiful!

— Christy B. – Women’s Bible Teacher


There are some people God just places very deliberately in our paths, that share a similar dream and inspire us that it can be done. And although I’ve never met her face-to-face, I feel Ann Dunagan is one such person. So when her latest book came in the mail, I was excited to share it with my kids over our poetry and tea time. My kids loved it. The Whole World Needs Jesus was written as a call to the Great Commission in a way even the youngest can understand. I love Ann’s ministry and heart for missions that can be felt behind every word. As a veteran homeschooling mom of seven who traveled around the world with the message of Jesus, Ann ignites so much hope in me that my family will be able to do the same as we endeavor to make the treasured commission of our Lord Jesus our first priority in this life. She shares her well of wisdom on podcasts for Mission Minded Families as well and has written books to equip families. Because…”God’s call is for all.”

— Ruby (Joye) Dicharry,


Sample Square Images – for Instagram or Pinterest


Sample Mission Pictures from the Dunagan Family:





The Whole World Needs Jesus (target age is about 4-8) and the much-needed missions message and illustrations can be enjoyed by the whole family. This book is a tool for parents, grandparents, children’s ministers, Sunday school teachers, churches, Christian schools, homeschooling families, missionaries and mission organizations.

The book could be an encouragement to give to missionaries on the field (as a gift for either missionary grandparents or missionary parents with young children) — or as a tool for missionaries to give to their mission-supporting families or churches, as a gift of gratitude (and to encourage global missions in the churches where they minister).


World mission topics included in The Whole World Needs Jesus:

  • God’s love for so many people all over the world
  • God’s love for all ages, all cultures, all geographical areas
  • God’s love for both the rich and the poor
  • The need to share with others — and to not be greedy
  • The need to share the Gospel with unreached people
  • Different cultures around the world
  • Different languages around the world
  • The uniqueness and preciousness of every person
  • Funny food people eat around the world
  • What is sin?
  • What is the Gospel of Jesus?
  • Why should we go?
  • How can everyone be involved in God’s Great Commission?


Sample wording…


In God’s eyes each person

Is wonderfully made

So to witness and share

We should not be afraid.

With the power of His Spirit

We can be BOLD

For the Gospel to everyone

Must be told!



Back cover:screen-shot-2016-09-30-at-6-45-54-pm


You can get The Whole World Needs Jesus — at

Psalm 91 – Bible Memory

ps.91.imgPsalm 91 includes 16 Bible verses about God’s protection, which are excellent for you and your children to memorize. On our Mission-Minded Families Podcast, Ann teaches 3 episodes on Psalm 91, each focusing on 5-6 verses, along with the theme of “PARENTING by Faith not Fear.”


Here are the links to the three podcast episodes on PSALM 91
Mission-Minded Families with Ann Dunagan:



FREE Bible Memory Pictures

Psalm 91 on PDF downloads (including Full-Page Teaching Pictures and Flash Cards)

Plus, here is a YouTube video showing the Bible pictures for all of Psalm 91:

From Ashes to Victory in Niger

Through the ashes, we are walking to victory. — Danette Childs

An Update about the Current Situation in Niger, West Africa

(Note from Ann Dunagan: Christi is my daughter and she’s married to Trae Childs, Danette’s son. When God brought our kids together, he linked the hearts of our families in friendship, mission purpose and prayer … and now we even have a mutual grandbaby!)

From Danette Childs, Missionary in Niger:

danette-6Through the ashes, we are walking to victory.

The family of God in Niger, West Africa, is not only strong, but mighty.

On Saturday, January 17, 2015, the church in Niger was attacked in a way that has never happened in the history of this nation.

The unrest began earlier in the week in reaction to the Charlie Hebdo newspaper articles in France. The Muslims here rose up to make a point and attacked almost all of the churches in the capital city of Niamey, as well as Bible schools and Christian primary schools. Churches and Christian homes in other parts of the country were also attacked. We know however, that this was a ploy of the enemy [the devil] – reacting to the growth of the church in Niger. What an idiot he is.

This attack has only further strengthened the Christians here and out of the ashes the church will rise – bigger and stronger than ever before!

The extended Childs family. Ron & Jerry Childs (in the center) have been missionaries in West Africa for over 30 years. Their son and daughter-in-law, Neal & Danette Childs (back right) have been missionaries in Niger for about 17 years. This photo was taken just a few weeks ago in Niger, West Africa, in honor of Ron & Jerry’s 50th wedding anniversary.)

(Photo of Trae & Christi Childs & baby Judah)

Follow Judah on Instagram: #judahstravels (This little guy has experienced more adventures in 7 months than most people do in an entire lifetime! Our globe-trotting grandbaby entered our world in South Korea and has already lived on 3 continents!)

Facebook post from Danette on the day of the attacks:

“These photos remind me of why we’re in Niger. To take the Gospel to those who have never heard. That’s where our strength comes from – doing the will of our Father. Thank you again and again for all your encouragement and prayer. We are confident that there are now thousands praying for this nation. Please continue to pray as we help our pastors and churches assess the loss and begin to restore. There was no church that was not touched by today’s events. I will say it again – the gates of hell will NOT prevail!”

(BBC News Article: Niger Protesters Torch 45 Churches — photo from BBC)

Facebook post from Christi Childs on the first Sunday after the attacks:

“Just got back from the most beautiful and vibrant church services of my life -At one of the churches that was completely torched yesterday. Amidst the ashes and rubble, the message was about forgiveness, and fearlessness, and praying for the extremist who destroyed everything, This isn’t as issue of physical Muslims vs. Christians. It’s an issue of the enemy trying to attack the life and light and salvation that Jesus is bringing to this country. #prayforniger ”

As a mom, this Facebook post caused me (Ann) to burst into tears, not in fear or in sadness, but with such gratitude to God for His amazing presence in the midst of hard times. Even though this situation is difficult, God is with them and it is beautiful.

He is their Emmanuel, their “God with us.”

Raising our children for Jesus Christ is not just about keeping our kids “safe” or restricting them from evil; it’s about raising our sons and daughters to be lights for Him, in a dark and needy world.

Summary of the Current Need from Danette Childs:

Vie Abondante personally had 2 churches destroyed, 3 Bible Schools damaged, and the homes of 2 of our pastors and their families were destroyed, along with almost all of their possessions. We’re still assessing the loss/damage, but it numbers into the tens of thousands.

If you would like to help us with the Rebuild/Restore project, please
click here: RUN International (Reaching Unreached Nations) > > >

We thank you and Vie Abondante thanks you.

Danette Childs

How to Pray for Niger during these difficult times . . .

Please be praying for Niger.
Just got off the phone with Trae & Christi. The situation has calmed down and now the task of reorganizing and rebuilding is at hand. Biggest prayer needs:

1. Pray for a RELEASE of God’s provision for churches and for missionaries.

2. Pray for PLACES TO MEET. There are many immediate needs for housing for displaced pastors and for places for congregations to worship, since so many churches were destroyed.

3. Pray for FAVOR (even among unbelievers). Many Christian leaders need God’s direction and favor to find new places to rent and/or properties to buy, and/or to secure good builders (especially with so many huge construction needs all at once in such a poor area with limited workers).

4. Pray for SALVATION. Many non-Christians are very upset about all of the destruction and these attacks. Pray for the eyes of the people in Niger to be open and for many to turn to follow Jesus.

Please pray for the entire Childs family and for the nation of Niger.

12-year-old Lia Speaks on Abortion: Video Goes Viral

lia-millsWhat a wonderful example of a Daring Daughter (with a very supportive mom!). At 12-years-old, Lia Mills presented a speech on abortion for her 7th grade class (after much prayer and careful preparation). Today, her YouTube video has been seen nearly 2 MILLION times.

As you watch, let God challenge you to DARE to OBEY!

At first Lia’s pro-choice teacher told her that she was disqualified from the school’s speech competition because her topic was too controversial. But then she HEARD the speech and was so blown away she changed her mind. Lia went on to WIN the competition!

Lia Mills and her mother Kimberly display the camera used to shoot Lia’s wildly successful video on abortion. Read an interview with Lia and her mother on Life Site News

Lia’s Prepared Speech for the National Pro-Life Conference in Canada

Lia’s speech was recorded several years ago, in 2009; and today, her YouTube video is still impacting our generation. This “little girl” is now a beautiful young Christian woman, continuing to speak for pro-life needs. She can be found on Facebook at LiaMills4Life.

Lia’s response to Daring Daughters:

Lia Mills

Lia Mills

Thank you so much for sharing this with me — I think the work that you are doing with Daring Daughters is incredible and I’m glad you were able to use my message to help further your message to these women! May God bless you and the work that you are doing in His kingdom. Thank you once again for your support and for sharing this with me — so encouraging!

Sincerely, Lia Mills

The Value of Life

Life is a beautiful mystery. This year, world population passed the 7 billion threshold.
7 billion people. Each one with a unique fingerprint, personality and iris pattern. All the advancements of science and breakthroughs of medicine can not create anything comparable. 

Christi Childs

Christi Childs

Sometimes I get a little carried away with appreciation of life and have a hard time even killing bugs. I’m always like, All of sciences can not even recreate the life of this bug, I can’t kill it. I know it’s extreme, I just love life. It is no less than amazing and awe inspiring.

Animals live, reproduce, raise young, migrate and live in communities, all with an innate knowing of what to do, how to find food, how to eat, how to live. I love watching shows like Disney Earth or any other nature show, because the beauty of creation is so captivating and interesting. But above all, there is that one creature in creation that stands out above the rest, and that is none other than mankind.

What does it mean to be human? We have the distinct ability to think, choose, reason and create. We have instincts, but have the self control to wait, and say no. Thank goodness.

How bad would it be if our self defense instinct was so strong that if we ever felt threatened we would punch someone? We would be a world of MMAS fighters.

But we don’t. We move on, we forgive, we choose friends, create societies, culture, music. It’s really incredible if you stop to think about it. Our mind is a powerful and exceptional tool given by God to reason.  With all that we have the instinct/inner knowing of the conscience. A inner knowing of what is right and wrong, as well and setting up laws so that we have a set list of standards so that those with more self control, and those with less, still can abide by the same rules, so that we can all live together in unity.

But what happens when our sense of morality shifts. What happens when we forget that because life is common, it is not common place? When we decide one person is more valuable than the other? When we decide some lives are not worth living?

When learning about the value of life, what better place to look than at the beginning. Right when life begins. There are lots of debates of “when life begins” but there is only one set moment when a separate human being is created and that is at conception. In the Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person, Maureen L. Condic states, 

“Resolving the question of when human life begins is critical for advancing a reasoned public policy debate over abortion and human embryo research.”

This article considers the current scientific evidence in human embryology and addresses two central questions concerning the beginning of life: 1) in the course of sperm-egg interaction, when is a new cell formed that is distinct from either sperm or egg? and 2) is this new cell a new human organism—i.e., a new human being?

Based on universally accepted scientific criteria, a new cell, the human zygote, comes into existence at the moment of sperm-egg fusion, an event that occurs in less than a second. Upon formation, the zygote immediately initiates a complex sequence of events that establish the molecular conditions required for continued embryonic development.

The behavior of the zygote is radically unlike that of either sperm or egg separately and is characteristic of a human organism. Thus, the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that a zygote is a human organism and that the life of a new human being commences at a scientifically well defined ‘moment of conception.’

This conclusion is objective, consistent with the factual evidence, and independent of any specific ethical, moral, political, or religious view of human life or of human embryos.”

SO, At the moment of conception. That is when new life is formed. It’s a beautiful thing, having that much responsibility. But what about individuals who don’t have much self control or responsibility?

According to the National Abortion Federation, In America ½ of abortions are unintentional, and ½ of all unintentional pregnancies end in abortion. That final number is 1.5 million.

At the moment we aren’t going to look at what time in the pregnancies these abortions take places, because well, life is life, and life begins at conception, so all abortions are equal. 1.5 million. That number is staggering. By me, those 1.5 million are as much a person as you and I. Life has already begun, and what makes it different if that life is inside a womb or outside? I recently read an article of a woman who was put in prison for years because she delivered her baby, but didn’t want it, so she threw it out the car window. A new baby, with the umbilical chord on it still and everything. But it was a crime. Now mind you, I think that was wrong, but what is interesting is that baby could have been aborted 2 weeks before and anyone saying it was “wrong” would have been criticized for being legalistic. So where is the line? It seems like everyday there is a news article about crazed parents who kill their kids. No one says that’s ok.

One of the strongest arguments for abortion that I hear is, “What about in cases of incest or rape, how could you tell that victim that she must keep her baby, when she was not responsible.” Well, I agree that is horrific, but in a year there are only 13,000 abortions performed due to rape. That means less than 1% (0.87%) of abortions are due to those crimes (National Abortion Federation). The fact of the matter is, we as a country are losing our respect and value for life. I work as a server/waitress and I feel it everyday. I feel disrespected and often I feel like people have forgotten that I am human, capable of feelings and emotions. But it is in nearly every area. I want to take the next few days to hopefully bring you back to a new understanding and respect for human life.

Ability vs. Availability

Danette Childs

Danette Childs

When people hear about my life they often respond in shock or awe. Then they laugh when I say I’m not a very adventurous person. (I’m really not). One person said to me, “Excuse me, but have you seen where you live?!”

I have lived in a foreign country for nearly 15 years. The beautiful desert country of Niger.

I’ve learned how to cook almost anything from scratch, tie a head tie on my head and appreciate lizards in my house. I can drive on rutted roads while dodging children & motorcycles, bicycles carrying refrigerators, loaded camels, donkeys & carts, goats, sheep, rusted out vans carrying cattle & people on top and a myriad of other things that may or may not be appropriate on a road together with motorized vehicles.

I speak an African language and I’m able to withstand prolonged temperatures of 120+ degrees and live to tell about it. I’ve learned many of the cultural “do’s” and “don’ts” of this land.  I am comfortable with my children roaming a town or village and entering a stranger’s house by themselves because really no one is a stranger. I enjoy 3 hour long church services with intense sweat pouring off everyone (literally) and meeting under a tree for church is not uncommon. I frequently host large ministry teams in my home providing meals and clean, cold water (not a simple task when it’s 120 degrees!). I teach classes in our Bible School. With my family I’ve started and led children’s ministry, children’s camps and trained children’s workers. I’ve even directed the church choir and been the ‘keyboardist’. But most amazing of all…I have had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with people who have never heard the name of Jesus.

But… I’m not always confident. In fact often I’m not.

Not too long ago we were ministering in a village with a drama team. As we walked around inviting people to come, we arrived at the village well.

I began speaking with the ladies that were drawing water. One lady in particular seemed quite interested in talking with me. I began telling her the story of the woman at the well.

This is the woman I was talking with.  Isn’t she lovely?

I got to the ‘punch-line’ and asked if she was interested in receiving this living water. But instead of leading her in a prayer of salvation, I began to feel very intimidated by my lack of Hausa language skills.  She was very gracious and didn’t appear to be bothered at all by my many mistakes. At that point however I decided that it would be better if she went to the church. Surely the prayer of salvation would be more effective if it was prayed grammatically correct by a true Hausa speaker! We have a church in the village and I asked if she knew the pastor and his wife. She said she did and that she would go and find him. Then I invited her to the drama production that would soon begin in the center of the village. She agreed to come.

By this time everyone had already moved to the village center so I quickly went to join them. When I got there I was kicking myself – almost literally. What was I thinking? What I thought was my lack of ability was in fact pride that had prevented me from ‘closing the deal’. I didn’t want to look/sound stupid (I have always felt very incompetent praying in Hausa). I looked around for my new friend, hoping that she had in fact come. Nope. Repenting, I turned around and went back to the well to see if I could find her.  Not there either. She had finished drawing her water and had returned to her home.

At that point, all I could do was pray that the Holy Spirit would minister to her and she would in fact go to the church. I told the pastor and his wife about her and asked them to pray and expect her to come as well.

Though I can’t report that she did go and see the pastor, I learned something. My lack of confidence and feeling unable to do something is often a pride issue. I don’t want to look bad in front of others. So I refuse to do what I know I should do.

Often we think that pride is when we boast of all the things we can do.  But when we recognize that anything we accomplish is because of the Lord working in our lives, it’s not pride at all. It’s simply obeying Him at His Word. It’s not extraordinary. It’s simply being available.  And look at what He says to us.

And he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  2 Corinthians 12:9

Wow!  We give him our weaknesses and he turns them into strength. We make ourselves available and He gives us His ability. His power! Isn’t that so like God? I love how unconventional He is sometimes.

Here’s me being very unconventional and using my abilities – or lack thereof – to help this lady get her water.  It’s hard work!  I wasn’t much help but I did provide some comic relief.

Where the world looks for the best or the greatest or the prettiest or the  most educated, God is simply looking for willing hearts.  Hearts that say ‘yes’ when He calls.  And you can be sure He is calling.

Young people making themselves available…

People often say to me that they could never do what I do or live where I live.  “How can you raise your children in such an undeveloped place?”  (We feel extremely blessed to have raised our kids here, but I’ll save that for another post).  The fact that I live on the mission field in a very undeveloped country does not make me super human or extra-special like some try to tell me.  I’m only doing what God called me to do where He called me to do it.  Truth be told, there are days when I wonder if I’ve accomplished anything.  And there are days that I mess up (the woman at the well for example).  But then I have to repent and remind myself –  it isn’t about what I can do in my strength.  It’s about what God can do through me with his strength – when I make myself available.

God has definitely called you.
He has a mission for your life.
He wants to use you.
But first you must surrender your inabilities and your abilities to Him. Then His strength will be made perfect in you. After that, there are no limits to what He can do through you to advance His Kingdom.

Are you available?

Helping Hundreds of Kids in Niger, West Africa

These beautiful Nigerienne kids need your help to get to camp this year!

Just $20 each provides 4 days of awesomeness. It includes transportation to and from villages, plenty of food, crafts, prizes and most importantly the keys to guard their hearts.

‘Guard Your Heart’ is this year’s theme.

It’s life-changing for the children and something they anticipate every year. Capital Life Church in Virginia is sending a team to us for the 6th year in a row.

Proud Niger kids sitting on their craft projects from camp — wooden benches!

We are expecting 600 children this year. We need to raise $10,000 in the next 10 days. Can you pray with us for God to meet this need?

Fun CAPS for all the kids!

Sharing the Gospel and Bible teachings with dramas. The kids love it!

Outdoor activities . . . and T-shirts.

If you want to invest something into the lives of 1 or 5 or 50 or even 600 of these children, here’s a SECURE LINK < < < :
Be sure to designate “Niger Team” (for Missionaries, Neal and Danette Childs).

Thank you!! (Feel free to message me for more info.)

Whining vs. Serving

I’m a missionary. I’ve lived in Niger, Africa with my family since 1998. I’ve learned a lot over the last 15 years, sometimes learning the hard way. One of the hard things I’ve learned is that serving is better than whining.

Something that has always amazed our family is the change that takes place in the American culture during the time we’re away. To the average American, those things just happen gradually until suddenly you look around and wonder when 70’s style clothing was back in. And when did it become normal or even expected for people to live together before they were married? And what does “I need some ME-time” mean? And the stuff that’s “okay” for T.V. these days? Well that’s worth its own article… It’s kind of like not noticing the 10 or 15 pounds that your friend put on over a year because you’re with her all the time, as opposed to not seeing her for a year and trying not to stare because of the change.

We’ve been traveling in the U.S. for the past 3 months and are excited to be returning home to Niger in just a few days. During this time in the States one of the glaring things that I’ve noticed is an increase in self-centeredness. It’s all about me. What I want, when I want it, how I want it. And I want it now.

At the same time, I’ve noticed some patterns in contemporary Christian music. Which, by the way, I love. Always have. I was a big Amy Grant / Michael W. Smith fan back in the day. Way back. Anyway, I’ve been taking note of the music that is popular now, and linking that to the self focus that has become so prevalent in our culture.

I’m hearing lines in songs like:

• Here I am, what’s left of me
• Part of me has died, I fall into your arms
• My whole world is caving in
• I find you when I fall apart
• Struggling, feeling like it’s hopeless
• I lose my way
• You lift me up when I’m weak
• Winter came back – it won’t end
• Hold on to me, don’t let me lose my way
• Life doesn’t make sense – knocked down
• He might let you bend but He won’t let you break
• Worrying what you’re going through
• I’ve lost my faith in so many things

Now please, don’t get me wrong. I understand that we all have challenges and struggles in life. And sometimes songs like these are what we need to find encouragement. We’re not alone. God has got this. Our hope is in Him and He promises in His word that if we cry out to him He will hear and answer us. Every time.

However, rather than pleading with God and bringing all that’s gone wrong to Him (He already knows), I’d like to suggest something different. Something unconventional.


I know. Doesn’t make much sense. But Jesus himself didn’t always sound sensible. Remember first shall be last, last, first? And what about this one – if someone slaps you, turn and offer your other cheek. And have you ever washed the feet of your servant (employee, child, least of these)? Jesus said to do that too.

Several years ago – not too long after moving to Niger – I was in my house and was having a pity party, all by myself. I remember it well. It was hot. I was hot. I was wondering what in the world I was thinking when I answered the call to serve in Niger.

Hadn’t I served long enough? Hadn’t I suffered long enough?

That day my husband Neal and I had made plans to go to a village in the afternoon. It was still morning and my whine was already in full swing. I felt like going to a hot, sandy village to speak a language I didn’t know as much as I felt like jumping into a lake of fire.

I reasoned that I had nothing to offer in the state I was in. But the plan was already in place. I had already told the ladies I would be there. The least I could do was keep my commitment. So off we went.

We arrived and I joined the ladies. I still remember sitting on mats on the ground outside the mud brick church. (It was too hot to go inside). I could see the well in the distance where the evening water was being pulled up by hard-working women. As I sat there practicing my Hausa language skills with those gracious ladies something amazing happened. I began to enjoy myself. The heat didn’t feel so hot. The dirt didn’t seem so dirty. We sat around and laughed together – well, they were mostly laughing at me and my attempts at Hausa. We were having fun. We didn’t have a 3 hour church service, didn’t do any dramas or even sing any songs. That simple act of me chatting with these ladies may have blessed them, but it did far more for me. It taught me something profound.

I arrived home feeling so rejuvenated it amazed me. Then the Lord directed me to John 4 and the revelation hit me. Jesus has just finished talking with the woman at the well. The disciples show up and figure He must be hungry so they tell him to eat. Jesus tells them that He has food that they don’t know about. They start wondering who is secretly bringing food to Jesus. Then He says to them,

“My food is to do what my Father sent me to do. My food is to finish his work.” John 4:34

It’s as simple as that. I began to think about it. Food. I need it. I enjoy it – a lot. It gives me strength. And Jesus just said His food is to do His Father’s will. In other words, He finds strength in doing God’s will. He finds pleasure when he’s doing what His Father told him to do – when He’s serving. His needs are met when He does His Father’s will. Wow.

That revelation completely changed my outlook. If I get the focus of myself and my pity party and on to what God has called me to do – problem solved! That may sound too elementary but I really do think it’s that simple.

Since then, whenever I feel discouraged I know that if I will go out and serve, doing what God has called me to do, my strength and joy returns.

We like to say that we’ll be ready and able to serve others after our own problems are taken care of.

I dare you to be unconventional.
Start small.
Worship God. For who He is.

Spend time focusing on Him and not on your problems. That’s one way you can serve Him. Then step out and serve someone else. You could even support a missionary =)!

While some Christian music seemed focused on me and my problems, I found some great songs that focused on Jesus and worshiping him with lines like:

• We are here for you
• Our hearts are open – nothing is hidden
• You are our desire
• You alone are holy/worthy
• We welcome you with praise
• Let the people of the world stand in awe
• We are waiting here for you with our hands lifted high in praise
• Desperate for your presence, Waiting for your presence

I understand that during those times of discouragement the last thing we feel like doing is serving or even worshiping God. And unfortunately I can’t say that I successfully make that decision 100% of the time. But I can tell you from my experience that when I do, my entire outlook changes and my joy returns. One-hundred percent of the time.

Did I always want to be a missionary?

danette-2It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 15 years! I’ve been a missionary in the West African country of Niger since since July, 1998. There are two questions I am often asked: Did I always know I wanted to be a missionary? Did I always know God wanted me to be a missionary?

No, and no. But God knew. Here’s my story.

The Seed is in You

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5

The seed was in me – as a 7 year old.

I was saved at the age of seven and was raised in a Christian home by wonderful Christian parents. I’ve walked closely with the Lord ever since, but it wasn’t until adulthood that I became acutely aware of God’s grace.

I used to think that I didn’t really have a ‘story’. But a revelation while singing ‘Amazing Grace’ changed my mind. I did have an amazing story. It was the grace of God that saved me. He not only saved me from my sins, but He saved me from the powers of darkness of this world and kept me walking in His light all these years. It wasn’t my personality or my own determination or discipline that spared me from all the world had to ‘offer.’ Simply put, it was God’s amazing grace. Now, the older I get, the more I see… and the more I see, the more thankful I am for that grace that saved me.

But I wasn’t just saved to be saved, I was called. So are you. My calling was to be a missionary, reaching the unreached. But fulfillment of that calling wasn’t going to just drop in my lap. I had some responsibility.

The Bible is full of instruction for our lives. There are a multitude of passages that talk about the blessings that follow us and our children when we walk in the way of the Lord.
We see in 1 Kings 2 where King David is at the end of his life and is giving instructions to his son Solomon. Solomon was called to succeed David on the throne.

“Now the days of David drew near that he should die, and he charged Solomon his son, saying: 2 “I go the way of all the earth; be strong, therefore, and prove yourself a man. 3 And keep the charge of the Lord your God: to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn; 4 that the Lord may fulfill His word which He spoke concerning me…”

Solomon’s calling came with requirements:

Keep the charge of the Lord, walk in His ways, keep his commandments… Then you will prosper and the Lord will fulfill His word concerning you. For God’s will and plan to be fulfilled in our lives, we must walk in His ways.

After high school, I attended ORU, a Christian university in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My sophomore year I met Neal. I was a chaplain and he was a freshman on my brother wing. He came straight from Nigeria, where he was raised as a missionary kid. He intrigued me. He was, as I like to describe him, ‘bush’. He spoke with a Nigerian accent and he thought downtown Tulsa was a huge metropolis. As the girls’ chaplain I had the responsibility of pairing the brother and sister wings with prayer partners. I did this by drawing names from a hat, but not before first pairing myself with Neal. Sneaky, I know.

A friendship began to develop into something more and on our second official date Neal informed me that he was going to be a missionary. My thought? “Whatever. He’s a business major. Once he gets going in his field, he’ll get over the missions thing.” It’s not that I was opposed to full-time missions, I just wasn’t awakened yet to my calling. I had a natural trust in God and a desire to do exactly what He had planned for me.

The seed was there, but it remained dormant.

Our relationship progressed as did Neal’s intensity for missions. I continued to trust God and prayed that if this was the man for me, that an actual desire to do missions would surface. As an upperclassman I would get frustrated when I would hear my friends talking specifically about their careers, how many children they would have, the type of home they would live in – all the way down to paint color! I didn’t have specifics on any of those things – and I didn’t really care about a white picket fence. All I knew for sure was that I wanted to do what God wanted me to do.

I later realized that if I had predetermined my exact job and house color, it would not have lined up with Neal, and I may have assumed he wasn’t the one.

Here we are at ORU, the seed in both of us.
Any guesses to the year? (Hint: Big hair.)

Our love grew and in 1989 we married. I graduated with a degree in Social Work and Neal in Management Information Systems. We both got jobs in our fields, while still pursuing ministry. We found a church home and were asked to be youth pastors. It wasn’t missions, but it was something that our hands found to do and we were determined to do it with all our might. It was preparation time. During our 5 years as youth leaders we sent kids on more than 30 summer mission trips, while patiently (sometimes) waiting our turn.

Our family in 1998, just before moving to the 10/40 nation of Niger, Africa

Trae, Danette, Tanika, Neal

God continued to lead us and 8 years of marriage and 2 great kids later, the Lord directed us to attend Bible School to officially prepare for the field. During Bible School we received confirmation that the country of Niger would be our field. We spent 10 months raising our support and during that time an amazing thing happened. I was sharing in my mom and dad’s church about how I had recently come across some of my elementary school papers and discovered that I had written a report on the country of Nigeria the same year Neal moved there. Coincidence? I think not. It was a germinating seed.

I was told also of a report I had written in junior high titled ‘Understanding Africa’ where I wrote that I wanted to be a missionary in Africa. I don’t even remember writing it, but my name was on it. The seed was there. Later that evening my mom questioned me, “Don’t you remember the prophecy spoken to you when you were 12? That you would be a rose, blooming in the desert?” It wasn’t until she said that that the memory came back. Mom continued, “What about the time I found you crying because you couldn’t understand why everyone couldn’t know Jesus?” I was 7. The seed.

Our family in 2001 with Tobi, our new addition.

The amazing thing about a spiritual seed is that it won’t die. It’s in you. Even if you haven’t been pursuing God as you should or are new in your walk with Him, it’s not too late! God’s seed, His plan for you – it’s in you. Even if it’s dormant. Wake it up! Begin germinating it by pursuing hard after Jesus and by walking in His ways.

In Jeremiah 2:21 God said to the Israelite’s, “Yet I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality.”

You are full of high quality seed!

It was my privilege to be a part of discipling these Gourmantche ladies.

One of our greatest joys (and responsibilities) are the children