Family Shines for Jesus on October 31st — for 20 Years!

One Christian family in our local community has been shining brightly for Jesus Christ, on October 31st, in a very public way.

Together with the help of many relatives and friends, the Bell family decorates a public park with lights, organizes fun activities for all ages, and shares homemade cookies and apple cider. They distribute Bibles, tracts, Christian CD’s and movies. They play upbeat Christian children’s music on loud-speakers and they preach the Good News of the Gospel. They serve together as a family, work hard, and WOW, do they glorify God!

In this post, I asked Deb Bell to share about her family’s outreach, now in its 20th year!
They’re a mission-minded example for us all!

In the words of Deborah Bell:

“What do we do with Halloween?” The answer to this question should be the same as it is to, “What do we do with September 5th or April 29th or January 2nd?” We do what Jesus wants us to do with every day of our lives. And we find out what that is by asking Him.

For our family, our “Halloween” journey began by asking, “What does Jesus want us to do?” In answering that question, we researched and learned about Halloween; we observed how friends and neighbors celebrate Halloween; we studied God’s word to look for applicable insight and wisdom that could be applied to Halloween. And through that, Festival of Light was birthed in White Salmon, Washington.

Download a mp3 audio teaching
with Ann Dunagan

Harvest, Halloween, and Your Family
< < < click here

Festival of Light began in 1994 at our home. The first year consisted of handing out Bibles and tracts to all who came to our door. Every year on October 31, children and many of their parents walk through our neighborhoods and knock on doors asking for candy or gifts. Many Christians take this opportunity to pass out tracts and Bibles to neighborhood children. After the amazing response that first year, during which kids came to our house asking, “Are you the ones handing out Bibles? Can I have one?” we decided that we would continue to do that and more.

As a result, Mid-Columbia Ministries (MCM) organized Festival of Light in response to what we viewed as a great opportunity to share God’s love with our community.

Many churches have provided and still provide alternative entertainment for the church children in the form of harvest festivals. MCM decided it would be fun and effective to combine the harvest party concept with the evangelism associated with handing out tracts and Bibles, and we took the harvest festival concept to the street. In this way, we not only provide alternative entertainment for our own children, but also for those traditionally non-church children who comprise the majority of Halloween trick-or-treaters.

Deborarh Bell and her Family

In contrast to the meaning of Halloween and the many associated activities that are a celebration of Satan and the darkness that he perpetrates, the Festival of Light emphasizes the light of Jesus Christ and the good things which He brings to our lives.

The response from parents and children alike has been overwhelming. In 1996, we shared the light of Jesus with over 200 primarily non-church trick-or-treaters. By 1997, the number had jumped to over 400. In response to the increase in size and the lack of parking and room at our house, Festival of Light was moved from our front yard to an empty parking lot in downtown White Salmon.

“The focus of the evening is the light of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we make every attempt to bring light into the darkness of the night…”
–Deb Bell

The event, as mentioned before, is basically a harvest festival moved to the streets. The focus of the evening is the light of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we make every attempt to bring light into the darkness of the night. We decorate with lots of lights; we play loud positive upbeat Christian children’s music; we hand out lots of candy, toys and prizes that promote Jesus by giving away movies, CDs, Bibles, and tracts. We serve freshly pressed hot cider and homemade cookies.

As with all things in life, we always try to take it back to Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

The traditional images and themes of Halloween do not meet these criteria. Volunteers are asked not to dress in traditional Halloween costumes, choosing positive, religious, or neutral themes instead. Donated materials and treats are free of traditional Halloween themes (e.g., Jack-O-Lanterns, witches, ghosts, bats, etc.). However, that does not stop us from engaging the culture.

All children, parents, and community members are allowed to participate, regardless of costume. And, they are welcomed with love and acceptance, and perhaps a bit of tongue in cheek humor. A little girl dressed as a witch might hear, “My, what do we have here – a fairy princess? You look absolutely beautiful tonight.”

When we first started 20 years ago, parents would bring their kids simply because they did not like the haunted house and were thankful for someplace fun that did not scare their kids. And they keep coming back every year, whether it be for the games, the cider press, to see other people from the community, or because they know they will find resources to help them with difficulties in their lives.

In this, our twentieth year, our goal is still to provide an event where parents and kids can participate with friends in a positive atmosphere and where godly themes are promoted. In addition, we use the opportunity to share the Gospel with everyone who comes through.

While it may confuse some – many within and outside of the church assume that we are “celebrating” Halloween – the truth is that we are celebrating Christ in a manner visible to the community whether they completely understand our motives or not.

The Extended Bell Family — It’s a Team Effort from Everyone!

So, we do not worry about what others “think” we are doing, we just do what Christ has called us to do. And an added bonus is that all of our kids have grown up assuming that they will spend Halloween serving the community and being a blessing to others – and not focusing on their own fun, entertainment, or candy. And, now grown, they thank us for the example that we set and the opportunity they have had to share their faith in a real way with the community every year.

“So, we do not worry about what others ‘think’ we are doing, we just do what Christ has called us to do…”
–Deb Bell

Because, the real question is — as believers — are we fleeing darkness and pursuing light? Or are we embracing, or playing with, darkness and hiding, or ignoring, the light?

Reach for God-Sized Dreams . . . with Daring Daughters!
(Click the boxes for more information . . .)

Join the Discussion (with a comment below)
As your family has asked the Lord, “What would Jesus have us to do?” How has God led you, especially in regards to October 31st?

50 Pretty Pumpkin Carving Ideas: Christian, Cross, Faith, Missions

Looking for Christian, Cross, Mission-Minded, Faith, Gospel-oriented, or even just “pretty” pumpkin carving ideas to “shine” for Jesus on your front porch?

Here are some fun ones we’ve found . . .

Be sure to also see:

  • The Whole World Needs Jesus — our brand-new mission-minded kids book — with a fun read-aloud text and whimsical illustrations!
  •  “The Pumpkin Gospel” by Angie Tolpin (FREE download PDF to teach kids about God’s salvation while pumpkin carving).
  • Mission-Minded Families Podcasts – with Ann Dunagan – 2 special episodes about “Harvest and Halloween” (listen below) and “SHINE Bright in October”

Click to listen (27 minutes) –
Harvest and Halloween – with Ann Dunagan
Mission-Minded Families Podcast
[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”″]– How will you “deal” with October 31st? – Click arrow to listen – or Download mp3

20 Ideas to Get You Started:

1. Carve 1 cross
2. Carve a Christian “fish” symbol
3. Carve a cross with a fish or a star
4. Carve 1 heart or several hearts
5. Carve words: Shine! God Love You!
6. Carve the name of Jesus
7. Carve a dove
8. Use a drill to make pretty dots
9. Carve pretty designs half-way through
10. Write a Bible verse with an engraver
11. Arrange un-carved pumpkins
12. Carve 2 or 3 crosses
13. Carve the CONTINENTS of the World
14. Carve a continent (Africa) and a heart
15. Drill dots to spell a word like “JESUS” “LOVE” “SHINE” (1 letter per pumpkin)
16. Paint the continents of the world
17. Carve pretty leaves.
18. Carve stripes and dots.
19. Decorate with an international theme
20. Teach “The Pumpkin Gospel”

Recommended Links:
Engaging But Not Encouraging Halloween
By Angie Tolpin

Let Your (Pumpkin) Light Shine!

Redeeming Halloween | FREE Pumpkin Gospel Printable



Harvest, Halloween, and Your Family
More on Daring Daughters about Harvest, Halloween and Mission-Minded Families Ideas for October: < < < Click here







Join the Discussion (in a comment below).
On October 31st this year, how can your family “shine” for Jesus?

Let Your (Pumpkin) Light Shine!

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. –Matthew 5:14-16

Contributed by Angie Tolpin

Every year I feel it. The winding of the gears… preparing for three months in a row of Americans celebrations. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. October, November, and December.

When I say preparing, I don’t mean getting out the Halloween costumes, the Santa decor, or even the overload of expensive shopping (although we do give gifts at Christmas). What I mean by preparing, is the spiritual readiness to shine bright for Jesus in a world that has so many idols tempting us to allow Him to be drowned out of the front stage solo position He is due.

Disclaimer: I am not teaching or even proclaiming to know what is right or wrong. I believe this is something that the requires each one of us to humbly ask the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in. But we have to recognize this one truth. We are in a battle. A battle to make God known, especially during these three months in a row.



We have to recognize this one truth. We are in a battle. A battle to make God known, especially during these three months in a row.  –Angie Tolpin



In a culture that has so many fun activities to participate in, one could truly get washed away with the tide. So much busy-ness going and hosting parties one might not have the energy to try in the loudness and chaos to make Him known. I’m not talking about being nice to the neighbors as they come knock on your door and sing trick-or-treat. Although, that is part of the ingredients. I am talking about going the extra distance to make Christ known and evangelize this lost world we live in here, out our front door.

It can be an overwhelming thought to try to take on yet one more thing during this season. I get it. But I want to spend myself doing the things that are going to make eternal impact. What about you? Sometimes, this may mean choosing one thing over another. Choosing battles to fight in a sense. I would like to invite you to join me in this mission.


 I want to spend myself doing the things that are going to make an eternal impact . . .

I would like to invite you to join me in this mission.  –Angie Tolpin


Over the past seven or eight years, my husband and I have done our own version of the Pumpkin Gospel while carving with our kids. It has changed over the years as it started out as a concept, a fun thing to do with the youth group I was leading 15 years ago. The kids loved it, and I have done it a few times over the years while teaching Sunday School as well. This is a great way to share the gospel, to talk about sin, the yuckiness in our hearts, and everyone’s need for a Savior.


Imagine children seeing the candles in the pumpkins and being reminded to let their light shine for the glory of God.  –Angie Tolpin


Can you envision with me for a moment, hundreds of children, doing the pumpkin gospel. And then on October 31st, when they see pumpkins on doorsteps and porches, they are reminded of God’s deep unconditional love for them. Imagine children seeing the candles in the pumpkins and being reminded to let their light shine for the glory of God.

This is engaging October as I see it. Not just with carving pumpkins, but with praying and asking God, how can I shine your light Jesus? And then choosing to eliminate some other things that don’t necessarily incorporate Him and choosing to create new traditions, choosing to love and serve in new ways.

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

–Matthew 5:16, ESV



I hope you will partner with me in redeeming part of October 31st.

Here are some other resources for parents on engaging this season:

Engaging But Not Encouraging Halloween

Redeeming Halloween | FREE Pumpkin Gospel Printable

More on Daring Daughters about Harvest and Halloween
with Ann Dunagan

Shining His Light Together,
Angie Tolpin




How will you “deal” with Halloween? — Mission-Minded Families Podcast

In Psalm 118:24, the Bible says, “This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it!”

Is that verse still true, even on October 31st?

On iTunes, this has been our most-popular Mission-Minded Families podcast. Ann Dunagan shares from her heart about God’s Harvest (with thoughts about how to “deal” with Halloween from a personal, historical, and biblical perspective). And soon, we’ll be loading a follow-up podcast, with a focus on having a PASSION to be a Witness (and a light for Jesus) with practical ideas for the month of October.

Your family will be encouraged to focus on what matters, as you remember the Lord and the lost. Let’s navigate through all the debate and division regarding October 31st, and focus instead on the love of Jesus, God’s spirit of unity, and His Great Commission to SHINE His light in a dark world.

Harvest & Halloween – PERSPECTIVES from Matthew 9:35-39
PASSION to be a Witness (during October) – II Corinthians 5:17-21 (coming soon)

Click to listen (27 minutes) –
Harvest and Halloween – with Ann Dunagan

Mission-Minded Families Podcast
[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl=”″]– How will you “deal” with October 31st?

Subscribe on iTunes
Listen to more Podcasts

For more on Daring Daughters about Redeeming Halloween and Harvest Time for Jesus – Click here





Reach for God-Sized Dreams . . . with Daring Daughters!
(Click the boxes for more information . . .)



Join the Discussion (in a comment below).
On October 31st this year, how can your family “shine” for Jesus?