C’mon girls! You don’t need permission to obey God and be a part of God’s Great Commission. Dare to make a difference!
–Ann Dunagan, Daring Daughters

A mom sent me a note asking how she and her teen daughter could host a Daring Daughter event in their area. I wrote my answer in a message, and wanted to share it here to spark creative juices for you as well.
First of all, realize if you want to do something to encourage others for the Gospel and to share about God’s Great Commission you can do it.
It doesn’t have to cost any money. It doesn’t need to involve airline travel. And you don’t need “official” permission from your pastor or from the women’s leader at church to get started. You don’t have to live in a big city, or go to a big church, or have a big budget.
It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long you’ve been a Christian. God has called all of us as believers to be His ambassadors (see II Corinthians 5:20). We’re all called to share the Gospel. He’s called every Christian to be a light for Him and to fulfill His Great Commission.
C’mon girls. We need to obey God. Dare to dream, and dare to make a difference for His kingdom!

If you’re a woman or a teenage girl who loves God, or perhaps a mom-and-daughter-combo, or a college girl with a heart for the next generation, or perhaps a mom with a pent-up-passion for local and global missions (or a particular world need) . . . just step out and DO SOMETHING about it.
Do you have a specific idea on your heart? Or would you and your teenage daughter like to plan a Daring Daughter event?
Here are a few ideas to get you started…
1. Plan a DD Girls Night
Simply open your home and share about Daring Daughters.
Have a get-together with your daughter and a few of your friends, perhaps other moms-and-daughters, or with ladies you know (from your church, school, homeschool group, or friends). Stir a heart for local and global missions, share something on your heart (we could give you some simple ideas — such as this powerful excerpt from Amy Carmichael.)
Invite friends, just like you would to a baby/bridal shower or birthday party. If you would like to officially connect with Daring Daughters, use EVENTBRITE and announce your event via facebook. FREE events don’t cost anything to promote or to make tickets. If you use the Daring Daughters name, just add a comment or link to keep us all in-the-loop!
Maybe worship together — with Hosanna’s “break my heart for what breaks Yours…” by Hillsong — and invite each woman to share a NEED in the world that grips her heart more than others — or sing a simple rendition of AMAZING GRACE and ask each lady to share ONE THING that God has called her to do, in which she definitely needs God’s amazing grace.
Maybe show a couple minute video to stir a heart for missions. Here are a couple ideas. — First World Problems or — Daring Daughter Vision
Or share about a mission book you like — such as Kisses from Katie, Radical, The Mission-Minded Family, The Scarlet Cord — Window on the World, Operation World, or a mission bio (The Mission-Minded Child has several 2-minute “missionary monologues” to present in simple dramatic form, such as one about Amy Carmichael).
You could invite someone who is involved in helping love and serve people in one way or another (perhaps someone serving at a local crisis pregnancy center, maybe someone who helps the poor, or who has adopted a child, or someone you know who has gone on a mission trip) and have them share their story and their passion for missions.
End with a prayer by missionary Betty Scott Stam (about surrendering everything to the Lord), and distribute stickers with this prayer for each girl/lady to sign and date and to put in their Bible or journal. Pray for each other. (Note: Betty Scott Stam was a missionary to China during the Great Depression. She and her husband John were martyred for their faith.)
Lord, I give up
All my own plans and purposes,
All my own desires and hopes, and accept
Thy will for my life.
I give myself, my life, my all, utterly to Thee
To be Thine forever.
Fill me and seal me with Thy Holy Spirit.
Use me as Thou wilt. Send me where Thou wilt.
Work out Thy whole will in my life
At any cost. Now and forever.
–Betty Scott Stam (1906-1934)
2. Plan a DD Tea Party
Include the same sort of mission-themed ideas (see above), with a Tea Party. It’s kind of a frilly idea for sharing a rugged mission-vision, but it’s something most women and churches understand and know how to do. It’s simply a party . . . and you’re going to add the theme, that living for Jesus is not just about being pampered princesses, but loving others, sharing the Gospel and daring to make a difference in the world.
You could have moms and daughters sign up to decorate a table with fancy china (each with a unique international theme, such as East African, Middle-Eastern, or Asian). Perhaps have ladies bring gifts (like at a shower or birthday party) to give to a local crisis pregnancy center or to the poor.
Share a missionary video or highlight a mission need. Or invite a local missionary woman, or someone involved in local or global Gospel outreach, to speak from her heart.
3. Organize a DD Dinner
Host a DARING DAUGHTERS Dinner with an global focus.
This could be in your home, or at a church, or with a youth group. Simply share about local or global needs with an international-theme meal.
Share a co-op meal or snacks (such as a taco-bar, with everyone bringing one ingredient, or simply a Mexican-style or Italian-style pot-luck). Or have everyone bring some sort of an international snack and provide labels for people to write the name of the nation where their dish is from.
4. Lead a DD Night of Prayer for the Nations
Host a DARING DAUGHTERS “Night of Prayer for the Nations”
Or forget the food and simply gather together for a NIGHT OF PRAYER FOR THE NATIONS. Refer to a missions book like Operation World or Window on the World and/or current world news from the internet or from a missionary newsletter and simply PRAY. Stir a passion for missions.
Invite a few friends or people with mission experience or connections who care about certain areas of the world to pray specifically for their area of passion. Add a song about loving the Lord and the nations.
Keep it simple. Pray hard.
5. Host a DD PASSION & Life-Planning Workshop
PLAN A DARING DAUGHTERS “SPECIAL” MEETING — Follow the Daring Daughter event ideas, but make it more “official” by hosting it at a CHURCH, SCHOOL, or some VENUE (community center, gym, conference/retreat center, or meeting room). Share our PASSION & Life-Planning outline.
6. Host a DD Movie Night
DARING DAUGHTER MOVIE NIGHT — Or have a Daring Daughter movie night (in your home, or at a youth gathering, or at a church) and show a movie such as Inn of the Sixth Happiness (about missionary to China, Gladys Aylward), End of the Spear (about five missionaries martyred in Ecuador), or October Baby (pro-life theme).
7. Invite a DD Speaker
CHECK OUT OUR SPEAKING INFO . . . Or if you’re interested, maybe think about planning an official event such as a Daring Daughters Clarity Day or a Mission-Minded Women conference where Ann or one of our Daring Daughter Leadership Team could come and lead the vision on your heart (such as a retreat, tea, luncheon, or one-day conference).
Come check out what we’re doing: see Speaking Info and Events.
Brainstorm with your daughter or mom or with a friend . . . and let me know if there is any way that I could serve you to help stir up a passion for God’s Great Commission, locally and globally, in your area.
Just PRAY, and ask God if there is something He would want for you to do.
And like Nike says . . .
Just do it. — Dare to Make a Difference — #idaretomakeadifference
Let us know if you’re planning something and we’ll try to help you to promote it. Or write a blog post highlighting your upcoming event and link up through a comment to this post. During your event, take a few photos or make a simple youtube video (perhaps with some personal testimonies) and share what God is stirring in the hearts of daring daughters in your area. Let’s build some momentum.
Just do it!